The Views!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

3 flights

I have been so busy with life that I had to put the blog on the back burner for awhile. This last weekend really kicked my butt, Friday I went to school and then rushed home to go to a wedding, at the wedding I danced so much my legs felt like jello. Saturday, we went to breakfast with my parents and then came home to help are roommate move, lucky for me I didn't have to make the 5 hour drive to help him unload... Tomas was nice enough to do that. Instead I laid on the coach and ate so much food. Sunday we hung out when they got back and watched movies all day. Monday, we signed the lease to our new place and moved a whole bunch of boxes up the 3 flights of stairs, again my legs feel like jello. After we moved we rushed home to get ready for the nuggets game, which was so much fun and it was Tomas' first NBA game! Tuesday I got up and went to class and then came home to do 2 car loads of stuff up the 3 flights of stairs... I makes me want to get rid of everything... haha not. So what i'm trying to say is if anyone wants to come help move up 3 flights of stairs... it's a great workout, and we might have free beer and pizza. 

 Tomas Modeling his suit
 The view from the hotel room

 My Grandma 
 My Mom and I 
 So you see that pink mask above, I put that on and then I had pink all over my face and it wouldn't come off.

 It was "guys night out" so I was just one of the guys that night!
A little bit of our stuff!


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